Disturbances of coagulation were measured in breast cancer, colon cancer and benign breast disease using an enzyme immunoassay against total plasma fibrinogen and fibrin degradation products (TDP). Results were compared with measurements of fibrinopeptide A (FPA) and of serum fibrinogen-related antigen (FRA). Plasma TDP before surgery was significantly higher in colon cancer than in breast cancer patients (p = 0.0009) or in benign breast disease (p = 0.0292). A post-operative rise in TDP at 4 months (colon cancer) or 9 months (breast cancer) was associated with early recurrent disease (p less than 0.0173 for colon cancer, p less than 0.1835 for breast cancer). No such association was noted with FPA or FRA measurements. TDP may prove to be of value in detecting activation of coagulation by malignant disease.