We have investigated the protective effects of the inhaled cysteinyl leukotriene antagonist, L-648,051, on allergen-induced early asthmatic response (EAR) and late asthmatic response (LAR) and the subsequent changes in bronchial responsiveness to methacholine. Ten atopic men with asthma participated in a double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled trial. All subjects had documented EAR and LAR to house dust-mite extract. Responsiveness to methacholine was measured the day before and the day after a standardized allergen-challenge test. L-648,051 was inhaled in two doses of 12 mg 20 minutes before and 3 hours after the allergen challenge. The response was obtained from FEV1 and flows from maximal (V40m) and partial (V40p) expiratory flow-volume curves. All subjects had an EAR and LAR during placebo therapy, but only a minority demonstrated an increase in methacholine responsiveness of more than one doubling dose. The ratio of V40m to V40p during methacholine challenge was higher than during both EAR and LAR (p less than 0.05). There was no difference between drug- and placebo-therapy periods in baseline function, EAR, LAR, ratio of V40m to V40p, and the allergen-induced hyperresponsiveness (p greater than 0.1). These results indicate that an effective aerosolized leukotriene antagonist in man does not protect against allergen-induced airflow obstruction, despite the evidence of an inflammatory response to allergen challenge. This suggests that either the potency or duration of activity of L-648,051 is limited or that leukotrienes C4 and D4 do not play a causative role in human allergic asthma.