Aim: Our objective was to describe the goals identified by patients upon entering a specialized programme for treatment of first-episode psychosis (FEP) in Chennai, India.
Methods: 68 patients with FEP completed the Goal Attainment section of the Wisconsin Quality of Life-Client Questionnaire upon entry into treatment. Patients were asked to identify a maximum of three treatment goals and rate each identified goal on its importance and the extent of its achievement.
Results: In the order of frequency of endorsement, the primary goals identified pertained to work, family/interpersonal relationships, education, symptom relief and psychological recovery, living condition, religion, finances, and household responsibilities. All patients identified at least one goal, 41 patients identified two goals, and 11 patients identified three goals.
Conclusion: Individuals with FEP in India present with a range of realistic and reasonable goals. Findings have implications for improving early intervention services in India by targeting patient-identified goals.
© 2011 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.