Objective: To study the anopheline species and composition in villages at different altitudes, Muotuo County.
Methods: Six villages with different altitudes were selected as the investigation spots, i.e. Gande, Zhucun, Damu, Motuo, Didong and Beibeng with an altitude 1 966 m, 1 510 m, 1 408 m, 1 178 m, 853 m and 831 m, respectively. Human-baited net traps, cow-baited traps and light traps were set up to collect adult mosquitoes. The trapped mosquitoes were counted and identified according to morphological criteria. Following the classification, the mosquitoes were killed by chloroform and dried on silica-gel, and transported to the laboratory where they were stored at -20 degrees C. Species of Anopheles maculatus complex were identified with multiple PCR method.
Results: 5 410 anopheline mosquitoes were collected. Two mosquitoes were captured in high altitude village, one was Anopheles gigas bailieyi, while the other was damaged and unable to identify. There were 541 (36.9%) An. pseudowillmori, 906 An. willmori (61.7%) and 21 An. peditaeniatus (1.4%) collected in semi-high altitude villages; 260 (76.3%) An. pseudowillmori, 2 An. willmori (0.6%) and 79 An. peditaeniatus (23.2%) trapped in middle altitude village; and 3265 (90.7%) An. pseudowillmori, 19 An. willmore (0.5%) and 315 An. peditaeniatus (8.8%) trapped in low altitude villages.
Conclusion: An. pseudowillmori, An. willmore and An. peditaeniatus make the main anopheline composition. The proportion of An. willmore is higher than An. pseudowillmori in semi-high altitude villages, while An. pseudowillmori take the absolute predominance in middle and low altitude villages.