The acupuncture technique of tonifying qi, regulating blood and strengthening the primary source of human life is established on the base of the new pathology of dementia due to dysfunction of sanjiao by Prof. HAN Jing-xian. It is held that Tanzhong (CV 17), Zhongwan (CV 12), Qihai (CV 6), Xuehai (SP 10), Zusanli(ST 36) and Waiguan (TE 5) were the basic points for treatment of dementia. There are 3 characteristics of the point combination. Firstly, emphasis should be put on regulation of the stomach and the spleen so as to promote transportation, transformation and distribution; secondly, monarch, minister, assistant and guide points should be selected on the base of meridians, and more attention should be paid to the entity and connections among organs; and thirdly, treatment should be given according to physiological functions of the viscera.