Leenurina khualazasp. n. and Leenurina pomorskiisp. n., two new species from East Russia (Primorskij Kraj) are described. They are closely related to Leenurina jasii Najt & Weiner, 1992 from North Korea, from which they differ mainly in the number of tibiotarsal chaetae (19, 19, 18 in the new species versus 18, 18, 17 in Leenurina jasii), several chaetotaxic features and organization of dorsal granulation. The two new species may be separated by tertiary granulation (large areas fringed with large secondary granules in Leenurina pomorskii, small rounded or hexagonal areas with smaller secondary granules in Leenurina khualaza), coloration (light blue in Leenurina khualaza versus white in Leenurina pomorskii) and number of eyes (2+2 eyes in Leenurina khualaza versus 3+3 eyes in Leenurina pomorskii). An updated diagnosis of the genus Leenurina Najt & Weiner, 1992 and a key to species of Caputanurininae are given.
Keywords: Eastern Asia; Taxonomy; chaetotaxy; integument granulation.