Background: Previously, we evaluated the Mirasol pathogen reduction technology (PRT) system on platelet (PLT) function before resuspension. We now evaluated this system in the presence of PLT additive solution (PAS).
Study design and methods: Double-dose PLTs (n = 15) were generated using a commercially available apheresis system (Trima, Version 5.2, CaridianBCT) allowing for the resuspension in SSP+ (MacoPharma) immediately after collection. Paired units (n = 30) were PRT treated (M) or remained untreated (C) and analyzed for metabolism (pH, pO(2) , glucose, lactate, adenosine triphosphate [ATP]), swirl, hypotonic shock response (HSR), turbidometric aggregation, CD62P expression, annexin A5 and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, mitochondrial enzymatic reduction activity (MTS), transmembrane mitochondrial potential (Δψ), and surface coverage (SC) during shear-induced adhesion throughout 8 days of storage.
Results: As seen previously, PRT treatment of PLT units, containing a mean of 3.9 × 10(11) ± 0.3 × 10(11) PLTs in 397 ± 10 mL with a 32% to 34% plasma carryover, was associated with significantly (p < 0.001) increased cell activation, acidity, and glycolytic flux. PRT treatment appeared to up regulate both oxidative pathway and adhesional properties as evidenced by significantly higher MTS reduction, oxygen consumption, and shear-induced SC on Day 1 (p ≤ 0.016). While no significant differences were found for LDH release and ATP content (except for Day 8), M units were significantly inferior (p ≤ 0.021) for aggregation (TRAP-6); for Δψ and annexin A5 release (by Day 5); and for swirl, HSR, and MTS reduction (by Day 7).
Conclusion: PRT treatment in the presence of PAS was comparable to PRT treatment before resuspension preserving ATP content and mitochondrial function.
© 2011 American Association of Blood Banks.