Herpesvirus Saimiri gene 13 (HVS13) exhibits 57% identity with the predicted sequence of a T cell-derived molecule termed CTLA8. Recombinant HVS13 and CTLA8 stimulate transcriptional factor NF-kappaB activity and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) secretion in fibroblasts, and costimulate T cell proliferation. An HVS13.Fc fusion protein was used to isolate a cDNA encoding a novel receptor that also binds CTLA8. This receptor is unrelated to previously identified cytokine receptor families. A recombinant soluble receptor inhibited T cell proliferation and IL-2 production induced by PHA, concanavalin A (conA), and anti-TCR MAb. These results define CTLA8 and HVS13 as novel cytokines that bind to a novel cytokine receptor. We propose to call these molecules IL-17, vIL-17, and IL-17R, respectively.