Background: Hepatic vein (HV) reconstruction may prevent venous congestion following resection of liver tumours that encroach on major HVs. This study aimed to identify criteria for venous reconstruction based on preoperative evaluation of venous congestion.
Methods: A volumetric analysis using image-processing software was performed in selected patients with liver tumours suspected on preoperative imaging of major HV invasion. The size of the non-congested liver remnant (NCLR) was calculated by subtracting the congested area from the liver remnant. Venous reconstruction was scheduled in patients who met the following criteria: normal liver function (indocyanine green retention rate at 15 min (ICGR(15) ) of less than 10 per cent) with a NCLR smaller than 40 per cent of total liver volume (TLV), or liver dysfunction (ICGR(15) 10-20 per cent) with a NCLR smaller than 50 per cent of TLV. Surgical outcomes and liver regeneration were investigated.
Results: A total of 55 patients with suspected HV invasion were enrolled. Sacrifice of one or more HVs was deemed possible in 37 patients. Venous reconstruction was scheduled in 18 patients. At operation, there was seen to be no venous involvement in 11 patients. The HV was sacrificed in 29 patients, and preserved or reconstructed in 24. Volume restoration ratios at 3 months were similar in the sacrifice (88 per cent) and preserve (87 per cent) groups. Operating time was shorter (465 min) and blood loss was lower (580 ml) in the sacrifice than in the preserve group (523 min and 815 ml respectively).
Conclusion: The HV can be sacrificed safely according to the proposed criteria, reducing surgical invasiveness without influencing the postoperative course.
Copyright © 2011 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.