The concept of normohemodynamics is based on the fact that the main function of the cardiovascular system is the transport of oxygen. The cardiovascular system is adapting to a new hemodynamic status with every heartbeat. Only one class, called the normohemodynamic state, containing a simultaneous normotension and normodynamic flow, can serve as therapeutic goal. Metabolic syndrome includes a constellation of clinical and biological features that confer an increased cardiovascular risk. Clutter hemodynamic modulators in metabolic syndrome and assessment of hemodynamic status both overall and by its components, open new perspectives in the management of patients with hypertension and metabolic syndrome.
Material and methods: In the current study were included 32 patients meeting the criteria for metabolic syndrome and hypertension and 32 controls. Patients were monitored and assessed for the global hemodynamic status and for the modulators of hemodynamics, intravascular volume, vasoactivity and inotropy, respectively.
Results and conclusions: There are no significant differences in the global hemodynamic status between the study group and the control group; in the study group there is a clear weathering of hemodynamic modulators. The improvement of these factors opens a new perspective in the global cardiovascular assessment and therapeutic directions.