Background and objective: The objective of this study was to translate and adapt to Spanish the Québec Sleep Questionnaire (QSQ).
Methods: For QSQ tran-cultural adaptation, the back-translation technique was used. A psychologist and a pneumonologist made a first translation of the questionnaire. Naturalness-correctness of items and conceptual equivalence were evaluated by external researchers and a group of patients. A back-translation was finally remitted to author.
Results: Most of the items had minimal difficulty in translation. The difficulty was moderate in only 4 of them (items 2, 7, 8, 30). Naturalness-correctness was maximal in most items and excellent in 4 (8 to 9 points). The conceptual equivalence was complete in all the items, except item 2 that showed a partial equivalence.
Conclusions: The first translation and adaptation to Spanish language of the quality of life questionnaire QSQ has been done. The translation has minimal difficulty and the conceptual equivalence is almost complete.
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