The influences of rearing technique and age on muscle fibre type, and of rearing technique, age and pre-slaughter transport on the meat quality characteristics of sheep were investigated using thirty lambs of a Bulgarian coarse-fleeced breed (Karakatchanska). The animals were reared on pasture or in barns and slaughtered at 22 or 30 weeks of age. Muscle fibre type and meat quality were studied in three muscles of different metabolic type-Longissimus dorsi (LD), Supraspinatus (SS) and Rectus abdominis (RA). Fibre type distribution was influenced by age but not by rearing technique. Pigment content of muscles was higher in older animals. Water binding capacity (WBC) increased-and cooking loss decreased-with age. There was an interaction between muscle and pre-slaughter stress with respect to pH, the latter being increased in SS muscle, as was WBC. Cooking loss was decreased by transport stress in the three muscles and by pre-slaughter stress. However, meat organoleptic characteristics (flavour, tenderness and juiciness, as judged by a taste panel) were not influenced by age, rearing technique or pre-slaughter treatment.
Copyright © 1982. Published by Elsevier Ltd.