Effect of pre- and post-pubertal castration on Piemontese male cattle. II: Carcass measures and meat yield

Meat Sci. 2008 Oct;80(2):442-8. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2008.01.007. Epub 2008 Jan 26.


The effect of different castration ages on carcass morphological characteristics, meat yield, commercial cuts and bones weight and measures was evaluated on Piemontese steers and bulls. Carcasses (24) obtained from early castrated (EC, 5th month of age), late castrated (LC, 13th month) and intact males (IM, control group) of similar age (about 18 months) and fattening degree, were weighed, measured and dissected following the local commercial method. Very few differences were found in carcass conformation and fatness as in carcass weight and measures. After data adjusting, few meat cuts were heavier in IM compared to EC and LC, and only one cut measure was different, whereas, almost no differences were found in bone measures and weight. IM produced carcasses with more edible meat than LC and more forequarter and 2nd quality meat than LC and EC. Significant differences were found also between total, hindquarter and perinephric fat.