In search of ways to improve the results of radical surgical treatment of patients with prostatic cancer (PC), we analysed the results of examination and treatment of 130 patients with local PC performed in 2000-2010 years. All the patients have undergone retropubic radical prostatectomy (RPE). Of them, 25.4% received neoadjuvant hormonal therapy. Follow-up median was 53 months (16-122 months). We also estimated direct and indirect costs of RPE. Erectile dysfunction after RPE was registered in 93.1% patients, urinary incontinence--in 20% patients, anastomosis stricture--in 22.6%. Five and 10 year recurrence-free survival was 80 and 72%, respectively. Total (direct and indirect) costs of one PC patient's surgical treatment (RPE) reached 140891,29 roubles. Our calculations show that certain measures taken in practical activity of the urologists can reduce direct costs by about 25%. Thus, our study demonstrates that it is possible to avoid unjustified expenses and achieve good outcomes in surgical treatment of PC.