In this study the authors speculate about hypothetical effective-dose (E) reduction through limiting post-chemotherapy PET-CT scanning to lymphoma sites previously identified on pre-treatment CT. E reductions/scan time savings are compared between post-treatment standard and theoretically limited PET-CT scans. The influence of patient age with E savings and associated clinical implication for 100 subjects are discussed. The greatest E theoretical savings of 52 and 32% for the CT contribution and combined PET-CT, respectively, were seen in patients <18 y old using limited scans in this study, with a potential mean time saving of 16 min per patient across the entire cohort. However, the limited PET-CT regime here missed a 1% rate of unexpected cancer that standard PET-CT recorded. The authors recommend performing larger scale multi-centre studies comparing PET-CT pre- and post-chemotherapy to establish full clinical efficacy of this method.