2-5% of patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty develop a symptomatic DVT; there is evidence to suggest that without prophylaxis 40-60% of patients have a subclinical DVT. This can be reduced by around half with appropriate thromboprophylaxis; there still remains a significant incidence of subclinical DVT. Therefore, it is important to know, as orthopaedic surgeons, if our patients undergoing large joint arthroplasty are being adversely affected. Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is usually associated with symptomatic DVT, and the purpose of this paper is to address if asymptomatic DVT is also associated with an increased risk of PTS. The majority of evidence gathered does not support a link; therefore, there is no evidence to warrant a change in practice to warn patients of a potential risk or to routinely screen asymptomatic patients.