Infiltrating lipomatosis of the face has been described as a congenital disorder in which mature lipocytes invade adjacent tissues in the facial region. The presentation is always unilateral with hypertrophy of hard and soft structures on the affected side of the face. We present a case of a 27-year-old female who reported with a complaint of recurrent unilateral facial swelling with history of two previous resections, the histopathology or details of these surgeries were not available. The patient underwent resection of tumour and the histopathology confirmed it to be infiltrating lipomatosis. The surgery resulted in a definite improvement in the facial asymmetry and the patient is being closely followed up with no evidence of recurrence. The pathogenesis of the condition is unclear, though it has been postulated that the condition is at one end of a spectrum of overgrowth syndromes with classic Proteus syndrome on the other extreme. Management of this condition involves resection of the tumour which in most cases is subtotal to reduce the risk of damage to facial nerve. There is a controversy regarding both timing and extent of resection in the literature and we think the subtotal resection of tumour in an adolescent or older patient can give good aesthetic outcome without compromising facial nerve function. However, the patients should be informed about high rate of recurrence and increase risk of complications with any subsequent surgery.
Keywords: Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis; Facial infiltrating lipomatosis; Hemifacial hypertrophy; Lipomatosis; Proteus syndrome.