Cardiac and respiratory motions in animals are the primary source of image quality degradation in dynamic imaging studies, especially when using phase-resolved imaging modalities such as spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), whose phase signal is very sensitive to movements of the sample. This study demonstrates a method with which to compensate for motion artifacts in dynamic SD-OCT imaging of the rodent cerebral cortex. We observed that respiratory and cardiac motions mainly caused, respectively, bulk image shifts (BISs) and global phase fluctuations (GPFs). A cross-correlation maximization-based shift correction algorithm was effective in suppressing BISs, while GPFs were significantly reduced by removing axial and lateral global phase variations. In addition, a non-origin-centered GPF correction algorithm was examined. Several combinations of these algorithms were tested to find an optimized approach that improved image stability from 0.5 to 0.8 in terms of the cross-correlation over 4 s of dynamic imaging, and reduced phase noise by two orders of magnitude in ~8% voxels.
© 2011 Optical Society of America