Breath analysis is an attractive field of research, due to its high potential for non-invasive medical diagnostics. Among others, laser-based absorption spectroscopy is an excellent method for the detection of gases in exhaled breath, because it can combine a high sensitivity with a good selectivity, and a high temporal resolution. Here, we use a fast-scanning continuous wave, singly-resonant Optical Parametric Oscillator (wavelength range between 3 and 4 μm, linewidth 40 MHz, output power > 1 W, scanning speed 100 THz/s) with Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy for rapid and sensitive trace gas detection. Real-time, low- ppbv detection of ethane is demonstrated in exhaled human breath during free exhalations. Also, simultaneous, real-time multi-component gas detection of ethane, methane and water was performed in exhaled breath using a wide spectral coverage over 17 cm(-1) in 1 second. Furthermore, real-time detection of acetone, a molecule with a wide absorption spectrum, was shown in exhaled breath, with a sub-second time resolution (0.4 s).
© 2011 Optical Society of America