Purpose: Tumors arising from the ampulla of Vater can be benign or malignant. Recently, endoscopic papillectomy has been employed in the management of benign ampulla of Vater tumors; however, surgical resection is the treatment of choice. The aim of this study was to define indications and suggest a role for transduodenal ampullectomy in the management of ampulla of Vater tumors.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 54 patients treated for ampulla of Vater tumors between January 1999 and December 2008.
Results: Twenty-two endoscopic papillectomies and 21 transduodenal ampullectomies were performed. Four patients underwent transduodenal ampullectomy after endoscopic papillectomy due to a recurrent or remnant tumor. Recurrence or a remnant tumor was found in one patient after transduodenal ampullectomy compared to six patients after endoscopic papillectomy. Immediate intraoperative conversion from transduodenal ampullectomy to pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed in five patients based on intraoperative frozen biopsy analysis.
Conclusion: Transduodenal ampullectomy should be performed to treat ampulla of Vater tumors that are unsuitable for endoscopic papillectomy. Transduodenal ampullectomy can serve as an intermediate treatment option between endoscopic papillectomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy in the management of ampulla of Vater tumors.
Keywords: Ampulla of vater; Ampullary neoplasm; Endoscopic papillectomy; Transduodenal ampullectomy.