The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aging on posture-related changes of the stretch reflex excitability in the ankle extensor, soleus (SOL), and flexor, tibialis anterior (TA) muscles. Fourteen neurologically normal elderly (mean 68±6years) and 12 young (mean 27±3years) subjects participated. Under two postural conditions, upright standing (STD) and sitting (SIT), stretch reflex electromyographic (EMG) responses in the SOL/TA muscle were elicited by imposing rapid ankle dorsi-/plantar-flexion. Under the SIT condition, subjects were asked to keep the SOL background EMG level, which is identical to that under the STD condition. In the SOL muscle, both groups showed significant enhancement of the short-latency stretch reflex (SLR) response when the posture changed from SIT to STD. In the TA muscle, the young group showed significant enhancement of the middle- (MLR) and long-latency stretch reflex (LLR) when the posture changed from SIT to STD; no such modulation was observed in the elderly group. Since the TA stretch reflex responses under the STD condition were comparable in the young and elderly groups, the lack of posture-related modulation of the TA muscle in the elderly group might be explained by augmented stretch reflex excitability under the SIT condition. The present results suggest that the (1) SOL SLR responses are modulated both in the young and elderly subjects when the posture is changed from SIT to STD, (2) TA MLR and LLR responses are not modulated in the elderly subjects when the posture is changed from SIT to STD, while each response is same between the young and elderly in STD, and (3) the effect of aging on the posture-related stretch reflex differs in the SOL and TA muscles.
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