Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) is a relatively common complication occurring after cadaver kidney transplant. In 64 human renal grafts performed in our center the influence of some factors on the incidence of ATN, related to donor and recipient, was evaluated. The total incidence of ATN was 26.5%. As far as factors related to donor are concerned, the donor's provenance (our medical center versus other centers) resulted statistically significant (p less than 0.01). The incidence of ATN was 17% when the donor came from our intensive care unit, compared with 52% of incidence observed when donor came from other medical centers. As far as factors related to recipients are concerned, the mean and systolic arterial pressure (both measured at the time of unclamping the renal vessels) resulted statistically significant (p less than 0.01 and 0.05 respectively). The influence of mean arterial pressure on the incidence of ATN suggests the administration of inotropic and vasopressant drugs in selected patients before and after organ reperfusion in order to maintain an adequate renal perfusion.