In the light of the control of expenditure and changes in radiopharmaceutical costs, changes in study protocols, new investigation procedures and inappropriate placing in Korner categories, the BNMS Council set up a working party to derive an agreed set of costings for Nuclear Medicine techniques. Using data from three hospitals with additional information from another nine, we have agreed the 1988 cost of individual nuclear medicine procedures in the UK. These figures include staffing (radiopharmacy, nursing, physics, medical including consultant), radiopharmaceuticals and other consumables, indirect costs (secretarial, administrative, portering), variable overheads (service contracts, stationery) and fixed overheads (rates, lighting, heating, building and engineering). Capital costs, equipment and buildings were not included. Because figures include salary and overhead costs they are difficult to compare with the majority of other previous nuclear medicine costings, apart from Bretland et al., or with data for other imaging modalities. Comparison of these costings with Korner schedules shows marked overlap between the Korner groups. Such groups therefore form a poor method of costing nuclear medicine procedures. We propose alternative groupings.