This study evaluated the ability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to predict failure of pancreatic islets (PI) transplanted into the hepatic portal vein. Brown-Norway (n = 18) and Lewis (n = 6) rats received islets isolated from Lewis donors. The rejection process in Brown-Norway recipients was mitigated by two different immunosuppressive regimens [tacrolimus + hydrocortisone for 3 months (n = 6) or tacrolimus for 12 days (n = 12)]. Longitudinal MRI monitoring of recipients at post-transplantation weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 confirmed the ability to detect SPIO labeled PI after transplantation into the liver. The relative number of MRI signals related to PI isografts remained stable up to study completion. Recipients of PI allografts were normoglycemic until the end of study; signals declined gradually to 44 ± 17% in these animals. In animals with islets failure during post-transplant week 12, the number of signals decreased to 25 ± 10% of initial values. The difference between groups (islet function/failed) became significant post-transplant week 3. Our data demonstrate that the MRI changes attributable to rejection become apparent within 3 weeks after transplantation, i.e. at least 8 weeks before functional allograft failure.
Transplant International © 2011 Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine.