Mediastinal lymph node carcinoma of unknown primary site is rare and may have a better prognosis if extensive treatment is performed. Case, A 69-year-old-male presented with a persistent cough. Chest computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a large tumor 9.5 × 8.2 cm, in the mediastinum, compressing the right main bronchus, the right pulmonary artery, and the superior vena cava. Because fiberoptic bronchoscopy was insufficient for diagnosis, mediastinoscopic tumor biopsy under general anesthesia was undertaken. Histological examination revealed adenocarcinoma. Extensive examinations revealed no other neoplastic lesion except in the mediastinum. Mediastinal lymph node carcinoma of unknown primary site was diagnosed. The patient was treated with docetaxel and cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiation therapy. A month after the start of chemoradiotherapy, the mediastinal tumor regressed markedly. The patient remained free of symptoms without regrowth of the primary site. Exploration of the body showed no further abnormalities 20 months after disease onset.