Esohophageal stents are often used in treating malignant stricture. But, when stents are placed across the esophagogastric junction, they may lead to esophagogastric reflux. We report a case of successfully treated esophagogastric strictures using the new stent with anti-reflux mechanism (long cover type Niti-S™ esophageal stent). A 78-year-old man presenting with severe strictures from the lower esophagus to cardiac part of stomach was histopathologically diagnosed as adenocarcinoma. CT scan images showed multiple liver metastatic tumors. However, he refused chemotherapy. Palliation using long cover type Niti-S™ esophageal stent was performed. No adverse effect was occurred. He started solid meals on the 7th postoperative day. He was thereafter able to ingest solid meals without the symptom of esophgogastric reflux and stenosis until he died of the primary disease two month later.