Aland Island Eye Disease (AIED) is an X-linked form of ocular hypopigmentation--also known as Forsius-Eriksson, or type 2, ocular albinism--in which affected males demonstrate subnormal visual acuity, protanomalous red-green colorblindness, axial myopia, astigmatism, hypoplasia of the fovea, and hypopigmentation of the fundus. A patient has previously been described who, in addition to AIED, manifested a contiguous gene syndrome which included congenital adrenal hypoplasia (AHC), glycerol kinase deficiency (GKD), and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). In the present paper report we report the molecular genetic analysis of his deletion. Initially, multiplex polymerase-chain-reaction amplification was used to screen for a DMD-locus deletion which was then further characterized, using DMD cDNA and genomic probes, via Southern blot analysis. The deletion includes the region encompassed by probes C7 (DXS28) and DMD cDNA 8. Probes B24 (DXS67) and DMD cDNA 5b-7 show normal hybridization patterns and appear to flank the deletion, while the DMD cDNA 8 detects a junction fragment. Molecular genetic techniques have mapped the deletion in this patient to the subbands Xp21.3-21.2, between DXS67 and DMD.