We have previously reported on the effects of in utero exposure to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on thyroid function and growth hormone concentrations at birth and in two and five year-old children. Herein, we present our most recent follow-up examination findings for the same cohort of children at eight-years of age. A total of 56 children (23 boys, 33 girls) were examined. Bone age (BA), hormone concentrations, and indicators of reproductive development including Tanner, breast, genital, and armpit stages were assessed. Estradiol concentrations were significantly lower in children exposed to higher levels than median of PCDD/Fs+PCBs TEQ compared to the children exposed to levels lesser than median (P=0.003). Girls exposed to higher levels than median of indicator PCBs had a significantly greater proportion in genital stage 1 and shorter fundi and uteri lengths, as compared to those exposed to low levels (P=0.025 and P<0.05, respectively). There was a significant negative relationship between estradiol concentrations and PCDD/Fs+PCB exposure level (P=0.005). After adjusting for BA, there was a significant association between fundus length and indicator PCB exposure level (P=0.034). Exposure to both high levels of ΣPCDD/Fs+PCBs TEQ and high levels of total PCBs was associated with decreased fundus length (P=0.016) and uterus length (P=0.016). In utero exposure to high levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs may result in lower estradiol concentrations in eight year-old children and impaired reproductive development in girls.
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