MCAD deficiency is the most common fatty acid oxidation disorder, with the prevalence varying from 1/10,000 to 1/27,000 in the countries adjacent to France. As the High Authority for Health has recently proposed including MCAD deficiency in the panel of diseases neonatally screened for in France, a consensus was written for the management of MCAD deficiency diagnosed either clinically or by neonatal screening. Patients may present acutely with hyperammonemia, hypoglycemia, encephalopathy, and hepatomegaly, mainly after a prolonged fast of intercurrent infection. Sudden death related to heartbeat disorders may also occur. The diagnosis of MCAD deficiency is suspected on the plasma acylcarnitine and/or the urinary organic acid profile. The diagnosis is confirmed by molecular biology and the enzymatic activity for patients who are not homozygous for the main mutation c.985A>G. However, some MCAD-deficient individuals may remain asymptomatic throughout life. The mainstay of treatment consists in avoiding prolonged fast and prescribing l-carnitine for patients who exhibit a deficiency in plasma carnitine. This management has radically modified the natural history of MCAD deficiency. This consensus will allow homogeneous management of these patients once the neonatal screening of MCAD deficiency has been introduced in France.
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