We present a system to keep track of a destructive process such as a medical specimen dissection, from data acquisition to interactive and immersive visualization, in order to build ground truth models. Acquisition is a two-step process, first involving a 3D laser scanner to get a 3D surface, and then a high resolution camera for capturing the texture. This acquisition process is repeated at each step of the dissection, depending on the expected accuracy and the specific objects to be studied. Thanks to fiducial markers, surfaces are registered on each others. Experts can then explore data using interaction hardware in an immersive 3D visualization. An interactive labeling tool is provided to the anatomist, in order to identify regions of interest on each acquired surface. 3D objects can then be reconstructed according to the selected surfaces. We aim to produce ground truths which for instance can be used to validate data acquired with MRI. The system is applied to the specific case of white fibers reconstruction in the human brain.