Basosquamous carcinoma (BSCC) is a rare malignancy, primarily composed of basal cells with foci of squamous differentiation. It is considered to be histologically an intermediate type between basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, and is known to have aggressive behaviors. BSCC occurred in a 17-year-old female minipin with a history of surgical excision for a mammary tumor. The right upper hindlimb was severely enlarged to 8 x 5 cm. Cross-section showed a homogenous white to yellow-white mass compressing the surrounding muscular tissues. The tumor metastasized also to the lungs, heart, abdominal cavity, liver and salivary gland. Microscopically, basaloid cells were crowded into solid nests or lobules separated by well-developed fibrous tissues with occasional keratinizations. Since there was no skin lesions, the tumor is assumed to be originated from the formerly present tumor in mammary gland. To our literature review, this case is the first BSCC with systemic metastasis in a dog.