The ability of simultaneous phosphorus and nitrogen removal of sequencing batch membrane bioreactor run in anaerobic/oxic/ anoxic mode (AOA MBR) was examined under three aeration intensities [2.5, 3.75 and 5.0 m3 x (m2 x h)(-10]. The results showed that the averaged removals of COD were over 90% at different aeration intensities. And the higher aeration intensity was, the more ammonia nitrogen removal rate achieved. The removal rates of NH4(+) under the three aeration intensities were 84.7%, 90.6% and 93.8%, respectively. Total nitrogen removal rate increased with the increasing aeration intensity. But excessive aeration intensity reduced TN removal. The removal rates of TN under the three aeration intensities were 83.4%, 87.4% and 80.6%, respectively. Aeration intensity affected the denitrifying phosphorus ability of the AOA MBR. The ratio of denitrification phosphorus removal under the three aeration intensities were 20%, 30.2% and 26.7%, respectively.