Sperm transport, maturation and storage are the essential functions of the epididymis. The epididymis in the mouse is structurally characterized by regional and segmental organization including caput, corpus and cauda epididymis that are comprised of 10 segments. Although several growth factor signaling pathways have been discovered in the epididymis, how these converge onto the cell cycle components is unknown. To begin to elucidate the growth factor control of cell cycle events in the epididymis, we analyzed the expression of D-type cyclins at different postnatal ages. At 7d, cyclin D1 was mainly expressed in the cauda epithelium, by 14d its expression occurred in the epithelium of caput, corpus and cauda that persisted up to 21d. By 42d, cyclin D1 was mostly detectable in the principal cells of the caput and corpus (segments 1-7) but not in the cauda epididymis. Expression of cyclin D2, unlike that of cyclin D1, was evident only at 42d but not earlier, and was mostly confined to corpus and cauda epithelium. In contrast to both cyclins D1 and D2, cyclin D3 was expressed primarily in the interstitium at 7d and by 21d its expression was localized to the epithelium of the corpus and cauda epididymis. By 42d, expression of cyclin D3 peaked in segments 6-10 and confined to basal and principal cells of the corpus and apical cells of the cauda epithelium. Ki67 immunoreactivity confirmed absence of cell proliferation despite continued expression of D-type cyclins in the adult epididymis. Collectively, on the basis of our immunophenotyping and protein expression data, we conclude that the D-type cyclins are expressed in a development-, segment-, and cell-specific manner in the postnatal mouse epididymis.
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