Superantigens are proteins comprising a group of molecules produced by various microorganisms. They are involved in pathogenesis of several human diseases. The aim of the study was the comparison of susceptibility to antibiotics and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) strains producing staphylococcal enterotoxins SEA, SEB, SEC, SED, and TSST-1 and nonproducing ones. In the group of the total 28 of the patients with erythrodermia the presence of SA was confirmed in 24 cases. The total of 14 strains of SA excreted enterotoxins SEA, SEC, SED, and TSST-1. We did not observe that strains producing mentioned superantigens were less susceptible to AMPs (aurein 1.2, citropin 1.1, lipopeptide, protegrin 1, tachyplesin 3, temporin A, and uperin 3.6). The opposite situation was observed in conventional antibiotics. SA strains excreting tested superantigens had higher MICs and MBCs than nonproducing ones. The interesting finding considering the high efficacy of AMPs, against all examined strains of SA, makes them attractive candidates for therapeutic implication.