Objectives: Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are reduced in depressed patients, and successful antidepressant treatment leads to increases in BDNF levels. However, little is known about how psychotropic drugs affect the mechanism of the human response to mental stress. We investigated the influence of psychotropic drugs on plasma BDNF levels under mental stress using a driving simulator (DS) task.
Methods: Fourteen healthy male volunteers received one of four drugs, diazepam (5 mg), tandospirone (20 mg), paroxetine (10 mg), and matched placebo, in a double-blind, crossover manner. Subjects were asked to perform the DS task 4 h post-dosing. Plasma BDNF levels were measured before and after the DS task.
Results: Plasma BDNF levels under the placebo, diazepam, and tandospirone conditions significantly decreased after the DS task compared with before the task. Conversely, no significant differences in plasma BDNF levels were detected under the paroxetine condition.
Conclusion: As these three psychotropic drugs have differential effects on plasma BDNF levels under mental stress after 4 h post-dosing, antidepressants, unlike anxiolytics, might have a prompt positive effect on the mental stress response.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.