Closed edges bilayer graphene (CEBG) is a recent discovered novel form of graphene structures, whose regulated edge states may critically change the overall electronic behaviors. If stacked properly with the AB style, the bilayer graphene with closed zigzag edges may even present amazing electronic properties of bandgap opening and charge separation. Experimentally, the CEBG has been confirmed recently with HRTEM observations after extremely high temperature annealing (2000 °C). From the application point of view, the low temperature closing of the graphene edges would be much more feasible for large-scale graphene-based electronic devices fabrication. Here, we demonstrate that the zigzag edges of AB-stacked bilayer graphene will form curved close structure naturally at low annealing temperature (< 500 °C) based on Raman observation and first principles analysis. Such findings may illuminate a simple and easy way to engineer graphene electronics.