Patient samples were referred to our immunohematology reference laboratory to investigate the presence of a weak D antigen. In the last 3 years, 26 samples were received. Serology and molecular analyses were performed to identify the weak D variant. RHD mRNA from all patients was reverse transcribed, and cDNA was sequenced. The results were compared with a normal RHD sequence to identify the polymorphisms causing the weak D phenotype. Five different already known RHD variants were observed: weak D type 1 (5 individuals), weak D type 2 (1 individual), weak D type 42 (17 individuals), weak D type 45 (1 individual), and partial D DNB (2 individuals). Surprisingly, weak D type 42 was prevalent in our population, whereas weak D type 1, 2, and 3 are the most prevalent variants elsewhere. Anti-D was found in six cases of weak D type 42. The higher prevalence of weak D type 42 could be the result of a founder effect. Additional studies are needed to estimate the frequency of this variant in the general population.