Fibroblast growth factors are polypeptides with potent trophic effects on central nervous system cells. Both acidic and basic forms of fibroblast growth factor are found in the mammalian brain. We have examined the expression of these factors after focal brain injury or stroke. After infarction of the lateral cerebral cortex in the mature rat brain, we found a twofold to threefold increase during the first 3 weeks after stroke in levels of fibroblast growth factors in tissue surrounding infarcts. This increase persisted for at least 2 months and appeared mainly to be due to increased levels of basic, but not acidic, fibroblast growth factor. Because of its gliotrophic, angiogenic, and neuronotrophic properties, basic fibroblast growth factor may play an important role in the cascade of cellular reactions that contributes to wound healing and functional recovery after stroke.