An early detection program for tumours of the upper respiratory and digestive tract has been conducted from December, 1988 to May, 1989 in the Friuli Venezia-Giulia region, Northeastern Italy. This region shows very high mortality rates for cancers in these sites. Six hundred seventy-one high risk patients (i e habitual smokers and/or drinkers) were referred to Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists from 16 General Practitioners (GPs) for a free examination as part of the screening program. Four hundred thirty-six patients underwent the visit (65%) with fifty-five precancerous lesions and eight epithelial tumours detected among them. This program appears to have accomplished its aims of establishing a closer relationship between GPs and ENT specialists, discovering early cancerous and precancerous lesions, and targeting high risk patients with an educational message against smoking and heavy drinking.