Patients with clinical stage IIIAN2 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are a heterogeneous subgroup in term of prognosis and therapeutic management. The optimal management of this patient group is a major focus for thoracic oncology research and the concept of multimodality treatment has recently been introduced. This approach combines induction chemotherapy or radiochemotherapy followed by surgery in the case of mediastinal lymph node down-staging. positron emission tomography computed tomography with [18F]-fluorodesoxyglucose (FDG-PET) is a molecular and metabolic imaging modality which combines the metabolic data of PET with morphological data from CT. FDG-PET has become a standard in lung cancer management since the different indications listed in the standards, options and recommendations (SOR) of the FNCLCC. However, the potential specific importance of FDG-PET in IIIAN2 patients needs to be addressed further. In this setting, the authors' objective is to review the potential role of metabolic imaging in stage IIIAN2 NSCLC, taking into account new multimodality treatments. In stage IIIAN2, FDG-PET has performed better than morphoradiological imaging for baseline and postinduction lymph node staging, the identification of distant metastasis, and determining prognosis, as well as assessing the response to treatment.
Copyright © 2011 SPLF. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.