The capillarization of the M. pectoralis was examined in the turkey as it changed with age. Examined was the density of the muscles fibers (per mm2), the density of the capillaries (per mm2) and the quotient muscle fibers/capillaries. In accordance with the sequence of the original data four functions of organismic growth (slightly altered) were utilized for the approximation of the data for descending amounts: Pütter/Bertalanffy (1920, 1934); Richards (1959); Janoschek enlarged after Sager (1980) and Richards enlarged after Sager (1980). The approximations were made via nonlinear regressions, whereby the sum of the error amounts and the sums of the error squares served as criteria of quality. The results including the deduced initial and end amounts are combined in tables which also contain the parameter of the way the computations were conducted.