Aim: To determine whether the larger exercise stroke volume in senior endurance-trained athletes results from an attenuation of age-related alterations in left ventricular (LV) early diastolic filling or a more vigorous late filling.
Methods: Body composition (DEXA), VO(2)peak, stroke volume (CO(2) rebreathing) and Doppler measures of early and late mitral inflow and mitral annular velocities were collected at seated upright rest and heart rate-matched exercise (100 and 120 bpm) in trained and untrained younger (18-30 years) men and trained and untrained older (60-80 years) healthy men.
Results: Ageing had a greater effect than training status on seated rest mitral inflow and tissue Doppler imaging parameters, as shown by a lower peak early-to-late mitral inflow velocity ratio (E/A ratio) and slower peak early mitral annular velocity (Em) in older compared with younger men. Exercise stroke volume was unaffected by healthy ageing; however, Em, an index of early LV lengthening rate and relaxation, was slower (P < 0.001), while measures of atrial systole were increased (P < 0.001) during exercise in older men. Stroke volume during exercise was larger in the trained men (P < 0.001); however, early and late mitral inflow and tissue velocities were not different between trained and untrained men.
Conclusion: The larger exercise stroke volume in trained older male athletes does not seem to be related to faster filling or lengthening velocities during early or late filling. Thus, a larger, more compliant left ventricle in combination with an increased blood volume may explain the larger LV filling volumes in trained seniors.
© 2012 The Authors Acta Physiologica © 2012 Scandinavian Physiological Society.