Background: Patients with hematologic malignancies can be successfully treated with donor lymphocyte infusion after HLA-matched allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The effect of donor lymphocyte infusion is mediated by donor T cells recognizing minor histocompatibility antigens. T cells recognizing hematopoietic restricted minor histocompatibility antigens may induce selective graft-versus-leukemia reactivity, whereas broadly-expressed antigens may be targeted in graft-versus-host disease.
Design and methods: We analyzed in detail CD8(+) T-cell immunity in a patient with relapsed chronic myelogenous leukemia who responded to donor lymphocyte infusion with minimal graft-versus-host disease of the skin. CD8(+) T-cell clones specific for 4 HLA-B*40:01 restricted minor histocompatibility antigens were isolated which were identified by screening a plasmid cDNA library and whole genome association scanning. Detailed T-cell reactivity and monitoring experiments were performed to estimate the clinical and therapeutic relevance of the novel antigens.
Results: Three antigens were demonstrated to be expressed on primary leukemic cells of various origins as well as subtypes of non-malignant hematopoietic cells, whereas one antigen was selectively recognized on malignant hematopoietic cells with antigen presenting cell phenotype. Skin derived fibroblasts were only recognized after pre-treatment with IFN-γ by two T-cell clones.
Conclusions: Our data show evidence for different roles of the HLA-B*40:01 restricted minor histocompatibility antigens in the onset and execution of the anti-tumor response. All antigens may have contributed to a graft-versus-leukemia effect, and one minor histocompatibility antigen (LB-SWAP70-1Q) has specific therapeutic value based on its in vivo immunodominance and strong presentation on leukemic cells of various origins, but absence of expression on cytokine-treated fibroblasts.