Background: Matrigels, solubilized basement membrane preparations, are often used to support tumor development in animal models. However, tumors formed by a mixture of tumor cells and Matrigel may vary significantly. The purpose of this study was to compare tumor development and growth of LNCaP human prostate cancer cells mixed with Matrigel or in gelatin sponges.
Methods: LNCaP cells were mixed with Matrigel or absorbed into VETSPON, a gelatin sponge, and inoculated into the subcutis of nude mice. Tumor incidence and growth rate were determined. Gene expression and cell growth and survival in tumor lesions were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunoblotting, and RT-PCR.
Results: All mice (12/12) inoculated with LNCaP cells in VETSPON produced tumors, compared to 70% (19/27) of mice injected with the cells with Matrigel. Tumor volume also varied less with VETSPON implants. No significant differences were observed in gene expression, cell growth, apoptosis, and microvessel density in tumors established from the two types of implants. However, in samples collected on days 1 and 4, more cells in Matrigel implants than those in VETSPON implants were stained positive for cleaved-caspase 3 and -PARP1. Expression of VEGF-A, HIF-1α, and Bcl-2 was elevated in the early VETSPON implants.
Conclusion: These data indicate that VETSPON promotes tumor cell survival at the early stage of implantation and suggest that the gelatin sponge is superior to Matrigel in supporting development and progression of human prostate cancer in nude mice. This model should be useful for preclinical studies in nude mice using LNCaP cells.
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