Objectives: To assess the prevalence of major depressive disorder and subsyndromal depression in patients with first episode of myocardial infarction (MI) and to compare the socio-demographic, clinical and coronary risk factors in patients with and without depression.
Methods: Patients of acute MI (n = 101) attending OPD at 4 to 6 weeks after the index event were the subjects. Diagnoses of Major Depressive Disorder were established according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders fourth edition Test Revision (DSN-IV-TR) criteria. Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia changed version modified for Bipolar disorder (SADS-CB) was applied to detect cases with depressive symptoms not amounting to major depressive disorder (sub-syndromal). It was a single point cross sectional study.
Results: No depressive symptoms (Group-A) were found in 56 patients (55.4%). Major Depressive Disorder (Group-B) was found in 24 patients (23.8%) and subsyndromal symptoms (Group-C) in 21 patients (20.8%). Sociodemographic and clinical variables were similar amongst three groups except, more patients in Group-C were from nuclear family (p = 0.01) and were educated (p = 0.03). More patients in Group-B had hypertension (p = 0.001), diabetes (p = 0.03) or were overweight (p = 0.02) as compared to Group-A. Similarly higher number of Group-C patients had hypertension (p = 0.04), diabetes (p = 0.01) and were current smokers (p = 0.01) as compared to Group-A.
Conclusion: Unrecognized and untreated major depressive disorder and sub-syndromal symptoms were frequent in patients of MI. Established coronary factors were more commonly present in these groups as compared to no depressive symptom group. This emphasizes the need for routine screening for depression in post MI phase in our population.