Background: The effect of mental retrieval of an exposure session was investigated during a follow-up examination in dental phobia patients.
Method: The exposure session took place at the psychology unit and the follow-up a week later at the dental clinic prior to dental treatment while patients were seated in the dental chair. During exposure, individuals with dental phobia (N = 72) were shown a video of a dental appointment, after which they were instructed to imagine themselves receiving dental treatment. During follow-up half of the participants received instructions to mentally retrieve the exposure session and the other half were asked to recall everyday activities. Before and after exposure treatment, and after mental retrieval, participants were shown three dental instruments while heart rate (HR) and avoidance and subjective units of discomfort (SUD) were recorded.
Results: Questionnaires of phobic anxiety administered before and after treatment indicated significant improvement. Mental retrieval of treatment was moderately superior to the control condition with regard to avoidance. Over 80% of patients underwent the subsequent dental treatment session. Those not adhering showed initially more dysfunctional cognitions and more desire for control.
Conclusion: There is some evidence that retrieval of treatment context may have a moderately beneficial effect on avoidance.