Quantitative information about concentrations of several metabolites in human skeletal muscle can be obtained through localized (31)P magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods. However, these methods have shortcomings: long acquisition times, limited volume coverage, and coarse resolution. Significantly higher spatial and temporal resolution of imaging of single metabolites can be achieved through spectrally selective three-dimensional imaging methods. This study reports the implementation of a three-dimensional spectrally selective turbo spin-echo sequence, on a 3T clinical system, to map the concentration of phosphocreatine in the human calf muscle with significantly increased spatial resolution and in a clinically feasible scan time. Absolute phosphocreatine quantification was performed with the use of external phantoms after relaxation and flip angle correction of the turbo spin-echo voxel signal. The mean ± standard deviation of the phosphocreatine concentration measured in five healthy volunteers was 29.4 ± 2.5 mM with signal-to-noise ratio of 14:1 and voxel size of 0.52 mL.
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