Background: Few if any medical schools have a comprehensive surgical skills program taking medical students from learning basic knot tying and surgical skills to performing these skills at a level adequate for function during a primary care, surgical, or subspecialty residency. We have designed and continue to refine a program, which consists of five workshops focused on basic surgical skills, which are applicable to all medical and surgical disciplines.
Materials and methods: During the first workshop students learn how to tie both one- and two-handed surgical knots. The second workshop involves teaching students differences in suture type and use, instrument handling, and suturing techniques. The third workshop is used to address problems and refine techniques previously learned in the first two sessions. The fourth workshop comprises a final examination to evaluate suture and knot tying skills. The fifth session is a voluntary knot tying and suturing competition with awards for speed, finesse, aesthetics, and the watertightness of a vascular surgical repair. Surgical faculty and house staff are present at each workshop to provide direction and constructive criticism.
Results: Fifty-seven third-year medical students have completed the surgical skills curriculum. Statistical analysis demonstrates significant improvement in both knot tying and suturing (P < 0.05) for these students. Forty-four percent of students have successfully sewn a watertight anastomosis.
Conclusion: We hypothesize that this curriculum will produce medical students with basic surgical skills, appreciation of surgical technique, and the confidence to perform basic surgical skills at completion of the curriculum.
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