The purpose of this study is to explore factors associated with recall of medication education and satisfaction with healthcare provider communication in patients with acute stroke or transient ischemic attack. This is an analysis of data from the AVAIL (Adherence Evaluation of Acute Ischemic Stroke Longitudinal) study. At 3 months after discharge, 2,219 stroke patients from 99 sites were interviewed and asked about their perceptions of education and communication with their healthcare providers as well as their current medication use and knowledge. Results show that less than 2% of the respondents reported not understanding how to take their medications, 4% did not know how to refill their medications, and 5% did not know the reason they were taking them. A vast majority (92%) of participants reported high levels of satisfaction in their communications with healthcare providers after discharge. Although overall understanding and satisfaction was high, older subjects were less likely to recall receiving medication information at discharge or to understand their medications. Similarly, African Americans and patients discharged from an academic hospital were less likely to report receiving a written medication list. This report highlights the success of education efforts and potential areas for additional improvement.