Levels of the c-Fos protein expression in neurons were used as an index of neural activation in the hippocampus of C57BL/6 mice after their exploration of novel environments. C-Fos expression was measured at 8 levels along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampus. In Experiment 1, C57BL/6 mice were trained in a modified 8-arm radial maze to find the entry to a home cage through a target arm (1 day, 6 trials). Animals of control group were trained to enter the home cage through an isolated arm. In mice trained in 8-arm maze, functional rostrocaudal inhomogeneity of hippocampus was found. C-Fos expression was increased, mainly, in the caudal parts of CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus as compared to the control group. In Experiment 2, C57BL/6 mice were tested (1 day, 6 trials) in a novel open-field arena. In this case, c-Fos activity was increased in CA1 (to a greater extent in the caudal than in rostral parts) and CA3 and dentate gyrus (equally in rostrocaudal direction). Significant positive correlations between the exploration activity and density of c-Fos positive cells were found in both experiments. The findings suggest that exploration in novel environment differentially affects the hippocampal subfields along the hippocampal rostrocaudal axis.